Agent HEArt
|| An Educational Art Project ||
by Diana Farfan
Agent HEArt:
Humans. Environment. Animals + Art
In the logo above, you can see a hand making motions to picture the essence of water, flora, and fauna in the graceful shape of a hummingbird. The bird's beak points towards the bright shape of a flower at the corner of the paint palette. There is one more hidden detail in this logo! See if you can guess it by the end of this project's description.

As an experienced artist, Diana Farfan believes it necessary to raise awareness among the younger generations of the need for empathy and respect for all living things. The most important point is to produce art that invites dialogue and proposes positive solutions for community issues.

Student Work Example:
"My super hero's powers are to regrow plants and trees on earth to help with the deforestation problem. And create new habitats for animals that have lost their homes. The symbol on her chest represents the trees she helps regrow."
Stephanie Robinson (2018)
Photo courtesy of Dana Kimmell

Project HEArt: A Logo
Over the summer of 2020, Ms. Farfan worked with Duke University student Evelyn Shi to design a logo befitting her project. The logo (seen on the right) depicts the global initiative approach of Ms. Farfan's project, with the idea that art can be used to promote the policy changes necessary for the environment, in the form of billboards, bus stops, airports, churches, newspapers, parks, social media, or any possible available space.

Originally begun in South Carolina, United States of America, Agent HEArt addresses some of the state's most worrying problems, including pollution of the environment and animal welfare.

In the words of Mrs. Farfan herself: "Educating youth about how humans, animals, and ecosystems can be protected for the good of all is an indirect but consequential way to inform their families, neighbors, and communities." Agent HEArt is truly making a difference! Lastly, the hidden detail in Mrs. Farfan's logo design is... a chicken! The outlined palette make up the body, while the flower detail the chicken's comb. Finally, the hummingbird and hand form the basis for the wattle and feet respectively. What a creative design!

Student Work Example:
"Reed the Rescuer saves the animals from illegal animal poaching all over the world. He has super hearing so he can hear the animal's cries for help. He has radar that tells him where the endangered animals are. His goal is to prevent endangered species from going extinct. He uses his super strength and sonar to carry the poachers away and put them in jail."
Amelia Fortson (2018)
Photo courtesy of Dana Kimmell

Diana Farfan || Greenville, South Carolina, United States of America Ceramics
Artist Statement: "I am interested in creating stories. Stories in which I see myself reflected, and those in which others can be reflected, too"
Diana Farfan is a bold and passionate artists whose voice echoes through her work. Though her favorite subject remains the study of human ability and complexity, she also devotes much of her attention towards addressing important societal concerns, especially those concerning the health and well-being of a community. Ms. Farfan has much to say on the preservation of the environment and she believes the best way to tackle some of these challenges is to educate others through the sharing of collaborative art projects, such as her current project, Agent HEArt. Included below is Mrs. Farfan's contact information and some relevant links for more inspiring work from organizations and people around the world.
Diana Farfan
Relevant Links:
Institute For Humane Education
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)